This is a continuation from Part A. Follow the same format and style as you developed in Part A. Step 4: Develop your executive briefing. Assume one or two PowerPoint slides per topic. Below is a proposed topic outline for your briefing. Consider using about eight topics. Your briefing should last about 15 minutes, as if it were being presented live. You should also create a Word document (4–6 pages), which will expand upon the concepts in more detail than the PPT. You will be submitting two items to your Dropbox: the PowerPoint and the Word document. 1.Public Key Infrastructures 2.Dealing with the Legal Environment 3.Internet Protocol Security and Architecture 4.Integrity Check Value Calculation 5.The Encapsulating Security Payload Protocol 6.Security Associations and Databases 7.Internet Key Exchange 8.Secure Sockets Layer 9.Cryptographic Computations 10.S/MIME Functionality 11.Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) 12.Cryptographic Accelerators 13.Smart Cards 14.Biometrics 15.Learning Lesson Form Break-Ins 16.Law Enforcement 17.Non-Repudiation 18.Standards, Guidelines, and Regulations